Tag: EPM

  • Troubleshooting Intune Endpoint Privilege Management

    Troubleshooting Intune Endpoint Privilege Management

    Today I want to show you how you can troubleshoot issues with Intune Endpoint Privilege Management (EPM) and will try a little deep dive in how it works. Policies Let’s start with the basics, in order to get Intune EPM started, we need to assign at least an EPM Settings policy from Intune to the…

  • Intune Endpoint Privilege Management Companion

    Intune Endpoint Privilege Management Companion

    Today I want to introduce you to my Intune EPM Companion Power App. In my first blog post about Intune EPM (Intune Endpoint Privilege Management – Mike’s MDM Blog (mikemdm.de)), I showed you how the then new support approved flow allows your users and admins to get admin rights for a specific application on demand…

  • Power Bi – Enterprise Privilege Management – Reporting Series Part 6

    Power Bi – Enterprise Privilege Management – Reporting Series Part 6

    Today I want to show you, how you can export the elevation request data from Intune Enterprise Privilege Management into our Power Bi Reports. With this data, we can for example build reports to see, which EPM Rules are still in use, or which files are requested via support approved, to maybe build a managed…

  • Intune Endpoint Privilege Management

    Intune Endpoint Privilege Management

    Today I want to give you a first look at the Intune Endpoint Privilege Management that is part of Intune Suite for one year with the March 2023 Intune release. Additionally, I want to show you the new support approved flow, which was added recently and allows for example the Helpdesk approving elevation requests for…